Individual High End Tutors

NYC "Ivy" Tutoring Services

  • Most of these tutoring services hire tutors with good academics. Some of very selective and expensive. Others hire mostly college kids at high markup.

NYC Fairly High End

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New York City has many advantages for clients looking for the right SAT/ACT tutoring service. Firstly, NYC is very large and attracts a high-proportion of alumni from elite schools and ivies, besides having several very good schools (Columbia, NYU) in NYC itself. Moreover, it is well situated in one of the hearts of the elite-school ecosystems, with easy access to Princeton, Cornell, Harvard, Yale, and others. Moreover, since NYC is so large and populated, and because it attracts a high-level of human capital from these well known places, and it has enough of a tutoring market to attract and retain well-experienced tutors, NYC is one of the better places to be in the market for tutoring services and individual high-end tutors.

In general, you may prefer individual tutors, even if they are relatively expensive, if only to know that all of your fee is going directly to that tutor and not an intermediary company. With individual tutors, you “get what you pay for,” and you know that such tutors must be experienced and strong enough to stand out and survive in a highly-competitive market without the advantage of being part of a larger firm or company. Individual tutors also often have years of experience, advanced credentials (Bachelors at a minimum, Ph.Ds are more common), and are well-versed in the tests and tutoring. Unfortunately, only so many of these talented individuals exist, and so it could be difficult to always find one that matches your particular needs and learning style.

Another option is the elite or “Ivy” Tutoring Services. With such services, you have to ensure that the name “Ivy” isn’t just a name, and that the tutors are indeed being sourced from Columbia or other ivies. In addition, you will want to ensure your tutor has a level of experience or credentialing that will ensure they will be a good addition for your student. In general, these services do vet their tutors (since publicity is key, and good business is always good quality services), but it’s important to do your own due diligence as well. That said, the most important thing about a tutor is that the tutor works with the client well – a very experienced tutor who doesn’t get along with a student and can’t “reach” the student is less effective than a less experienced tutor who interacts with the student very well.

Finally, we have other tutoring services that are fairly high end, though not quite at the level of the Ivy services. Again, the same major considerations apply: where are they sourcing their tutors from? What kind of qualifications do these tutors have? Is this tutor the right tutor for the student? Moreover, it’s important to remember that in all cases with tutoring services, a large amount of the fee goes to the service itself, and not the tutor. In many cases, you are paying for the name, marketing, and office upkeep of the organization, and not the experience or quality of the tutor like you would be with an individual tutor. The advantage is that these services are much easier to find.

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