SAT Schedule Page

2025 SAT Test Dates

SAT Test DateRegistration DeadlineScores Release Date
March 8, 2025February 21, 2025March 21, 2025
May 3, 2025April 18, 2025May 16, 2025
June 7, 2025May 22, 2025June 20, 2025
August 23, 2025TBDTBD
October 4, 2025TBDTBD
November 8, 2025TBDTBD
December 6, 2025TBDTBD
March 14, 2026TBDTBD
May 2, 2026TBDTBD
June 6, 2026TBDTBD

Before the Exam

I do not recommend studying the day before the exam. Better to work out the day before. The morning of the exam, it is good to take B vitamins, which help with thinking and keeping calm.

How to Take The Test

It is strongly recommended that you skip over problems you don’t immediately know how to do and then go back to them in two or three passes. There are “time traps”, particularly in the math section, where you can spend several minutes on one problem and not get the correct answer.


You will be allowed to use the Desmos graphing calculator, and it is important that you become familiar with it. You can solve many problems by graphing. For example, systems of equations. Quadratic equations can also be solved by finding the x-intercepts. Sometimes, free answer problems are difficult to get an exact answer by graphing. Answer choices are also sometimes given with radicals and you may need to convert those radicals to decimals to compare with the answer by graphing. Most programmable calculators are allowed. There are programs that will solve certain types of problems for you. Those are mostly only useful for students who cannot solve the problems themselves, and often problems solved by programs can also be solved by graphing.

Nonalgebraic Approaches

A “trick” method of solving is backsolving, basically plugging in the answer choices and see which works. Another method is substitution, where you plug in a number for a variable in the question expression and the same number in each solution, and see which agree. These methods should generally be used when you cannot solve the problem directly or algebraically.


It is recommended that you use the official question bank to prepare for the exam. If you are at 550 or over in a section, you should focus on the difficult problems. If you are at about 500, you should focus on the medium problems. At about 400, you should focus on the easy problems. Usually, it is better to use the PSAT problems, which are more complete, even when preparing for the SAT.

There are commercial services with online practice tests. These are not as close to the exam as the official material, but may be helpful for practicing the semi-adaptive format, etc.

Nature of the Test

While the most important thing is to know the difficult questions in the Question Bank, there is much material on the Math SAT which is not in the Question Bank. To my knowledge, there are no materials available that will help you with that.

The Math SAT of 2000 and before was mostly problems that could be done with prealgebra or at least Algebra I and Geometry. However, the current SAT goes through basic material in precalculus.

The current SAT is highly focused on material useful in college, but not necessarily taught much in high school. The verbal portion focuses on grammar. In math, there is a lot of basic statistics, and most students have not had a statistics course. It also focuses on basic concepts useful in college, like finding the equation of a line from 2 points.

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